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更新时间:2020-03-31 12:40:08 浏览次数:78次
区域: 喀什 > 塔什库尔干



为了研发半月素,张老师将祖上留下的医治掉发的秘方进行深入研究,用了两年多时刻,反复调整,进行了上百次的实验,他数十次行走广西、贵州、云南等深山便是为了找到好材。半月素采用大山深处的名贵药材,当归、人参、川穹、侧柏叶等多年生道地药材,所以才能有奇特的医治作用。---------------------以下内容与此无关------------------------"Well, it is a strange thing, but those girls, especially that little Jasmine, brought back the memory of the lady whose sweet face I used to kiss. Can I do anything for your girls? There are a thousand ways in which I could help them without hurting their proud spirits.

"Yours affectionately,

In a very short time Mr. Noel received a brief communication from Mrs. Ellsworthy:—


"Your letter has been an untold relief. It was a special and good Providence that directed your steps to St. Paul's on that afternoon. My dear little Jasmine!—she is my pet of all the three. My dear Arthur, pray call on the girls at that dreadful Penelope Mansion; they are so naughty and so obstinate that they simply must be caught by guile. You must use your influence to get them out of that dreadful place. Look for respectable and nice lodgings, and go beforehand to the landlady. If she is very nice, confide in her, and tell her she is to look to me for payment, but she is on no account to let out this fact to the girls. Kensington is a nice, quiet, respectable neighborhood; you might take the drawing-room floor of a very quiet, nice house, and ask the landlady to offer it to the girls for five shillings a week, or something nominal of that sort. Primrose is so innocent at present that she will think five shillings quite a large sum; but tell the lady of the house to let it include all extras—I mean such as gas and firing. I suppose you could not get a house with the electric light?—no, of course not; it is not used yet in private dwellings—gas is so unwholesome, but the girls might use candles. Tell the landlady to provide them with the best candles, and tell her I'll pay her something handsome if she'll go out with them. And, my dear Arthur, don't let them go in omnibuses. Do your best, and, above all things, take them away from that awful mansion as soon as possible.
2023-08-02 刷新
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